Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 1: Day(s) 4&5

Ok. So today was a TOTAL fail. I completely let myself down and now I know not to do THAT again. Seriously. Sheesh!!!

Last night I went over to Adrionne's again and we did our first HIIT workout. We did HIIT 15 and it was killer. Granted, it wasn't so bad the first two sets because I wasn't really sure what I was doing. It was hi intensity, but I couldn't figure out the choreography and so it wasn't as INTENSE as it could/should have been. So I admitted this after the second set of FIRE-drills and Adrionne said, "just jump as high as you can and wave your arms around.... That is pretty much what she is doing." At first I laughed really hard and then I realized that she had a point. So that is what I did for the last set of 3 FIRE-drills. I did as much of the choreography as I could, but I mostly just jumped up and down as hard as I could and waved my arms around. Lol!

So then starts today. My COMPLETE FAIL!!!  I didn't have time to eat breakfast (mistake #1) so I just took my coffee with me and went to practice. Then when I got home I was starving, but I didn't have a lot of time to eat anything so I had a piece of left over pie. (Mistake #2). Then we went to a little birthday party for one of Jenni's friends ... Actually Adrionne's little boy Oscar. There I had a healthy-ish lunch I only had one burger and I felt content. BUT.... Then there was cake. So I had some cake. And then, because it was there and just calling my name I had ANOTHER piece of cake (mistake #3) shortly there after sugar cookies were being past around and I had more than one of those (mistake #4). And then there was just food on the counter that wasn't doing anything, so I started nibbling on the leftovers (mistake #5). 

So, apparently I have learned something that I already knew about myself. If the food is just out there staring me in the face I just, out of habit, eat it. THIS IS A VERY BAD HABIT!!!!! One I need to break myself of. Today was a good example of that and it was very helpful. I knew that I shouldn't have had what I did, but I did anyway. I just ignored what my whole self was telling me and I just did it anyway. Again, I yell at myself, THIS IS BAAAAD!!!!

And, now, because of all the CRAP I put in my body I feel gross and I am exhausted so I am going to go to bed and I am going to do the FIRE 45ez tomorrow (maybe with my mother-in-law) and start the week fresh. I was doing really well the last few days and so I know how much better I feel when I do make healthy choices. 

Today was a full out CHEAT day and it is NEVER going to happen again. Cheat meals maybe but never again a full cheat day. Good thing tomorrow is a new day. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to refer you to the following:

    Cheats are very dangerous! Whether is it a cheat meal or a whole cheat DAY. Stay the course and press play every day. - Coach Mike
