Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 6: Day 2

W00t w00t!!!! Tonight was the first night of the Three Hills TurboFIRE class also known as "Hott Mom 2013". It is a great class that is in the evening and is geared for moms. HOWEVER.... That does not mean that you can't come if you don't have kids. It is a ladies only class and it runs Monday-Friday in the PCA elementary chapel at 8:00 pm. If you can't make it every night that is ok, but it is encouraged to go as often as you can.
Tonight we rocked FIRE 30 and it was amazing! Ok, it was a little slow to make the newbies a little more comfortable, but I still pushed hard and I gave it all I could. Yay!!! I was a drippin'!!!!! So regardless of whether you are a beginner or if you are well versed it is a great class that is totally worth your time. The more you work the more you'll get results and the more you work the better you feel. It is YOUR workout and you can do what is best for YOU!!!!! So, come try it out, and if you have any questions then please contact me via Facebook. 
Goodnight all!!!!!

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