So it has been such a long time since I have been on here, but oh my has it every been busy around here. It is amazing what a mother needs to do to make Christmas for her family. I know that Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ, but in order to get all the decorations out and the baking done, and the plans made and the packing done (in my case) and the house clean, and the room for the new toys... that is all the job of a wife and mother. Sure, you can ask your husband to help, and he will do his best, but there is something about the loving touch of a mother to make Christmas all that it can be for her family. I never really understood why my mom got so stressed and made us clean our rooms and give our old toys away, etc... but, now I know. I will be one of those mothers in a few year's time, and I am actually really looking forward to it.
Now, granted, my responsibilities are not very much this year because my mother-in-law and my mom are both doing the majority of the preparation. We are having "Christmas" at Sean's parent's house this weekend, tomorrow actually, and I am really excited about it. We even got to celebrate Sean's birthday (which is actually on Dec. 23) tonight with the whole Dietz clan. It was such a blessing. Jenni loves to play with her cousins, and the presents under the tree were quite the eye catcher. Apparently (I was at work when this happened) Jenni got really excited about the Christmas Tree and the presents. So excited, that she found each one of the bows on the pretty presents and proceeded to take them off the presents and play with them. Everyone thought it was so cute. So, Jenni is really getting into the Christmas Spirit, and it is very exciting. We each got to get into our stockings tonight, and Jenni got a sparkly, pink purse to carry around. When I left for work again she hadn't put it down, so I think she likes it.
So, that is Dietz Christmas, and then we get to spend Christmas (Dec 25) with my family. It is so exciting. My mom is going all out with the Turkey and the baking and everything, so my job in the whole thing is to help with making dinner and help with eating said baking. I think that will be great!
Christmas has been such a great blessing to me this year, not that it isn't every year, but it has really been so wonderful to watch Jenni experience the joy that is Christmas. Granted, she doesn't really understand the joy of giving presents, but she really does understand the joy of opening presents and stealing the toys from her cousins. Yes, that is right. Jacob and Ethan got toy balls in their stocking, and Jenni so lovingly took the ball right out of Jake's hand and ran away leaving Jacob quite upset. My daughter... the bully. Yeah right. She came back and gave it back to him, but she really wanted that ball. She even said sorry by giving him a snotty kiss.
On a completely different note... we have won the battle with the word PLEASE!!!! WAHOO!!!! Now, if you tell Jenni to say please, she looks at you and says, "Peese" It is very cute. And if she REALLY wants what you have she will say "peese" and sign please (taping her chest) at the same time. "If I do them both, they are bound to understand!" I am sure is what is going through her head. So, even to get her down from her highchair today at dinner she said, "Down, peese" and everyone clapped and told her how good she was. It made her night, I am sure.
Well, seeing that it is getting late and I have a very busy day tomorrow I am going to say goodnight!
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!"
That's awesome about please! Your Christmas sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures. We haven't started ours quite yet here, but we will have an early Christmas dinner (goose) on the 22nd with Eddie and Jenn before they leave. Hope your holidays continue to be awesome :)